Ashley Seymour a Holy Fire III Reiki Master Healer, Multidimensional Ceremonialist, and channel for Divine Feminine Awakening is offering….

Free Masterclass

Reclaim your Soul-led Mission through attuning to your frequency of authenticity


Live FREE from any need for external validation!

Your Frequency

Is the foundation upon which all of your life is built

When you shift your frequency

You change your life

This wisdom transmission is NOT what you may expect

The Frequency Beyond Approval is not going to “pump” you with confidence and validation about how magnificent and worthy you are so that you can speak, share and create from a place of not caring about what others think of your or how you experience life.

This creates disconnection, separation and judgement.

The Frequency Beyond Approval is about..

bringing awareness to the frequency you are currently residing in and seeing where you are choosing to give your power away and remain in the victim.

When you shift out of disempowerment and the victim you then will then stop seeking for proof, evidence and validation from outside of you because you will feel whole, empowered, and at peace with yourself.

The Frequency Beyond Approval

is for women who Desire to..

  1. Live, speak, create and lead their Divine Mission from a place of true authenticity and STOP draining energy towards comparison, judgement, validation and approval

  2. Feel FREE to share themselves authentically and trust that THAT IS ENOUGH

  3. Grow, expand and create from a place of frequency attunement instead of an overactive mind and burnt-out nervous system.

  4. Feel joyful, empowered, peaceful and playful in all aspects of their life

  5. Experience excitement and inspiration in their Divine Mission and to express her gifts from a place of sovereignty and peace

  6. Access a profound sense of trust in the unknown of the future and the frequency of certainty in the now moment.

  7. Wants to simplify the chatter of the mind and embody a profound sense of peace through activating her authentic self

Your soul-led mission

will require you to trust in the unknown, in taking chances, in your Truths, in your gifts, in the magic and in the challenges.

When you are able to attune yourself to your Frequency of Authenticity, you stop the need to have all the answers in order to prove yourself or prove to yourself that everything “is working out”.

You are able to discover your path, embody your Truths, and Believe in the Power of your Gifts even if….

  • Someone judges you

  • You don’t have all the answers

  • You change your vision or path

  • You receive a new idea

  • You are experiencing suffering or loss

When you are anchored in your frequency of authenticity you trust, create and enjoy life with a bold freedom because you know something so deep in your soul…..

That frequency is the foundation

for the life you want to create

and what you want to create comes from within you

After this masterclass

instead of seeking approval in order to PROVE to yourself or others anything about your life, you will instead shift into the wisdom codes of your authentic self.

This journey is all within your power

You have all that you need to change your frequency right now

and change your life.