High Alchemies of the Priestess

A 9-month Initiation journey into the High Alchemies of a Priestess.

Through advanced, ancient wisdom teachings & healing transmissions you will awaken your Christ-Magdalene Lineage and Anchor in the New Earth’s Ascension Template through your Soul-gifts and Divine Mission

The next 9 month journey begins the 1st week of February 2025

Every single aspect of this priestess journey is created to support you in remembering your sacred path through true Sovereignty of Self and to become an energetic match for you Divine Mission.

That which you want to create, desires to be created through you.

The soul-calling you have does not need to be understood. You can let go of control, trust in your innate power and allow God/The Divine to work through you to activate your sacred mission upon earth.

The journey of High Alchemies of the Priestess is truly a re-birthing experience so that you release all control and allow the way of the feminine, your divine blueprint and the light of God to guide you.

If you want to remember just how powerful & magnetic you are and how meaningful your life is on earth, then stepping into this 9-month journey will completely lift the veils of illusion so that you can truly rise into the leader, healer, guide, medicine woman, mother, wisdom keeper that you are!

You decided to incarnate on earth, right now, to support the Awakening of ALL.

True High Alchemy is the process of bringing your body and higher self into divine harmony in order to be a living embodiment of light and seed this activated Christ light, that is alive within you, into your life and this earth for the evolution and awakening of ALL.

This training is for those who have a desire to create positive and lasting change for all generations to come and support the collective ascension process.

How you live & think becomes who you are.

Therefore, your highest potential for alignment with your TRUE SELF blooms from a divinely aligned inner and outer environment.

This training will guide you to create an inner and outer environment that supports the blooming of your innate Divinity so that you can Embody Divine Light, anchor in this light and seed the potential for Crystalline Consciousness on Earth through your Divine Gifts & Mission

Welcome Divine Priestess

Who is this training & mentorship for?

  • Women who have completed The Sovereign Priestess Activation Mentorship due to the High Frequency transmissions. (If you have not completed Sovereign Priestess Activation and still feel called to this mentorship, you can still fill out the application & we can discuss if this is right for you)

  • Seekers and protectors of Truth

  • Women who desire to activate a powerful spiritual awakening within their own DNA, body and soul to awaken their divine blueprint.

  • Women who care for future generations, the evolution of all beings and mother earth

  • Women who desire to awaken the ancient wisdom of their spiritual path within their priestess lineage and reclaim their priestess lineage to support their divine mission this life.

  • Women who desire a deeper, intimate and embodied relationship with God/the Divine/Source and their spiritual support team

  • Women who feel a sense of profound purpose. You desire to receive & embody the Priestess practices, spiritual activations and wisdom transmissions to step into your full-potential and be in highest alignment with your earth mission.

  • Women who are committed to resurrecting the Divine Feminine Wisdom & Divine masculine wisdom within their DNA and embody this wisdom in their life through sacred alchemical union.

  • Women who are ready to embody the teachings of the High Priestess in order to hold the codes of ascension for the upliftment of all

  • Women who feel a resonance with Sohpia-Christ Consciousness, The Christ-Magdalene (Grail Lineages), the Rose mysteries and the Egyptian Priestess Lineages.

  • Women who desire to develop in their intuitive abilities, crystal-grid work, and divine template activation Gifts.

With the Completion of High Alchemies you will…

  1. Live life with equanimity and peace through transmuting duality and aligning with who you really are in each moment.

  2. Integrate specific energy techniques into your daily life to awaken your Spiritual Energy, deepen your relationship God & become a template of Divine Asencion through all that you create.

  3. Awaken the ancient memory of your priestess lineage so that you can reclaim your inherent wisdom, light and purpose.

  4. Embody the Priestess Lineages of the Rose, Magdalene-Christ/grail lineages, and Isis lineages.

  5. Understand and embody the high alchemical spiritual practices/tantric techniques that will support your continuous awakening and spiritual alignment in this life.

  6. Experience deep purpose, pleasure and presence in each moment of your life through both the simplicity of day-to-day activities and more involved engagements/creations.

  7. Activate the Divine Feminine Mysteries that have been buried for thousands of years and become a clear channel for the cosmic and earth wisdom to awaken in your body and upon earth.

  8. Become clear on how you are meant to spend your energy, time and space while on the earth to serve in highest alignment with your divine mission

  9. Experience a profound ever-pervading love of the Divine, informing your life and uplifting your soul through deepening your relationship with your own Self and the spiritual guidance of the goddesses and ascended masters/brothers & sisters of the light.

  10. Receive the wisdom transmission needed in order to sustain a vision of beauty, love, peace and prosperity so that you can take the action needed to lead your Divine Mission.

  11. Find profound communion with your body, sensuality, sexuality, and nature through the womb mysteries and herbal wisdom. This will awaken your true feminine nature so that you can anchor in the divine feminine codes of healing and harmony upon earth.

Your Re-birthing Experience

During this 9-month training & mentorship

Part 1: Priestess Preparation

2 week journey

2 x 90 minute Sessions to prepare your body, soul and mind for the High Alchemy of the Priestess Training.

During this 2 week journey you will be guided through preparatory healing and wisdom transmissions. We will discuss the divine feminine Priestess lineages in this training. You will prepare for this powerful journey by creating a foundational connection with Meditation, ceremony, physical healing, and herbal wisdom.

Part 2: High Alchemies Priestess Training

8 month journey

We meet for 3 sessions each month and then take a week off to integrate before moving into the next gate & rose code. Each gate and rose code initiation has its own unique spiritual transmission. Each week there will be a variety of pdf guides with wisdom transmissions, embodiment practices and channeled activations. such as a rose code activations, High Alchemy Practices and Temple Gate Initiation experiences. This will change you on a cellular level as you truly embody the ascension codes.

Root Gate & Red Rose Codes

3 x 90 minute Sessions

In this initiatory gate, you enter the conception of your priestess path. During this gate you will create a strong foundation to enter into the deeper mysteries of the red rose codes. themes we will work with are communing with nature, mother earth and the body. Working with fear, the root wound of separation and the importance of mythic symbology. You will connect with the ascended masters of the magdalene-christ lineage, Egyptian lineages and the Rose lineage. You will also harmonize the Maiden, mother and crone archetypes

Womb Gate & Black Rose Codes

3 x 90 minute Sessions

Through this gate you will enter into the ancient wisdom of the womb mysteries. The themes we will work with are women’s sacred menstrual blood/cycles, womb healing through connection to earth and cosmic mother, moon wisdom, the Chalice/Holy Grail Codes, 7 gates of the womb, the Black Rose Codes, Sacred Sexuality, Kundalini & introduction to tantra, Soul healing, humility and shadow work.

Solar Plexus Gate & Gold Rose Codes

3 x 90 minute Sessions

Through the solar gate you will enter into the fire mysteries & Royal Codes of the gold rose, leadership and radical responsibility. The themes we will work with are purpose, sacred fire and the language of the soul-archetypes and how to embody your Authentic Self

Heart Gate & Pink Rose Codes

3 x 90 minute Sessions

Embody the Divine Feminine Wisdom at the heart, Activate your divine Desires, develope your light Code Healing/DNA activations. Embody Gratitude, forgiveness, peace, acceptance and abundance. Weave your light as an elemental priestess and crystal grid- keeper. We will work deeply with crystaline light and grid work.

Throat Temple Gate & Blue Rose Codes

4 x 90 minute Sessions

Through the throat gate you will step further into the magdalene-christ mysteries to attune yourself to embodied Christ consciousness. The themes we will work with are remembering your ancient priestess lineage, wisdom transmission on the Magdalene-Christ lineage, writing, speaking & communication skills, story-telling, honesty and vulnerability, Through the throat gate you will awaken your voice for aligned creation, profound healing and sacred intention.

Third Eye Gate & Purple Rose Codes

3 x 90 minute Sessions

Through the third eye gate you will enter into the mysteries of higher perception. The themes we will work with are Sleep & Dreams, Ascended Master/goddess Connection, Advanced Healing Techniques for Multidimensional Healing, Auric Healing, the wisdom of brain frequency states. We will work more deeply with the Isis/Hathor and Egyptian Priestess Lineage teachings as well as activate the Purple rose codes.

Crown Gate & White Rose Codes

3 x 90 minute Sessions

Through this crown gate your will enter into the sophia christ-mysteries and become initiated as a High priestess of Sophia-christ Consciousness. The themes we will work with are oracles of sophia, the oracular mysteries. christ-light, and the life and death/resurrection mysteries, divine mission, sacred purpose and soul-gifts. You will embody the white rose codes.

High Alchemy Initiations & Practices

3 x 90 minute sessions

This final initiation with be the birthing experience through profound alchemical spiritual practices such as kundalini activations, seeding the light Templates upon the earth, Opening up to divine healing, Masculine & Feminine Energy harmony, tantric practices/heiros gamos/bridal chamber initiations.

Part 3: Priestess Integration

2 week journey

2 x 90 minute Sessions to integrate the wisdom teachings for grounded, empowered and sovereign connection to your purpose.

During this final integration period, you will ground into your life and integrate the entire priestess journey through Healings, Earth Connection Ceremonies, Connection to Purpose/Mission and guidance on How to move forward.

Also Included…

  1. Divine-Integration

    9 months of 1:1 integrative support for up to 15 minutes per week via telegram or WhatsApp so that you can receive powerful support and guidance on your initiation journey

  2. Ceremonial Gift Box mailed to your home

    This gift box includes activated priestess crystals, a chalice, priestess shawl made of rose fiber, herbal material to create your own anointing oil, yoni steaming herbs, and blue lotus tincture.

  3. 2-year access to this training

    Once your purchase this course, you will have 2-year to all the material in this training but have lifetime access to all the weekly live calls which you can download and save forever.

  4. The Unveiling: Awaken your ancient priestess codex training

    Access this self-paced codex activation to access your temple and priestess divine blueprint.

  5. Over 28 downloadable graphic PDF guides!

  6. Over 40 healing and high frequency spiritual activations & guided meditations

    that relate to each week’s discussion and topic to support your integration and highest activation while in this program and throughout your life!

  7. Weekly live sessions

    are recorded, uploaded to the online program and downloadable for your forever access.

  8. Telegram Group Space

    A group space to connect, contemplate and reflect on your healing and evolution outside of the live group calls.

“ Everything that Ashley provides, offers, creates, and generates is filled with her whole embodiment of woman ”

“Ashley has without a doubt been one of the biggest influences and spiritual teachers on my journey, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that. Everything we work on together- whether it be this Authentic & Empowered Woman Program, or Holy Fire Reiki sessions or trainings, she always comes with such a sense of grounded self and genuine connection to Spirit that inspires me.”

“Her wisdom is always gentle but energizing, and working with her has expanded my own intuitive capabilities as well as my own self development. I feel that I finally have both feet on the ground and a solid path forward to walk, and that is because of the way she awakens that little piece of God within everyone she works with. For the first time in possibly ever, I’m not afraid to claim who I am and what I want, and embrace the way I can radiate that out to others. Sincerely, I already cannot wait for her next program” - Liz C

“Fair warning of the immense healing and expansion initiated as soon as Ashley and her Program intuitively came into my life. Get Ready. The places this program has pushed me to get uncomfortable are divinely aligned with my purpose. Through this program I remembered my purpose on this planet and gained the confidence to step into living it. Ashley lovingly holds you accountable for walking the path you wish to walk, while sharing with you all the support and tools necessary to walk as far as she has walked- to her Authentic Self.”

“Her souls purest essence and messages direct from spirit shared in this program have the strength to radically take you on the journey to your Authentic Self. I will be reflecting on conversations had within this space infinitely. The soul wisdom I know will be carried with me, deeply imprinted by Ashley and the group who was called here to share it. Just as we all are here to serve our purpose, Ashley authentically shares with us hers. The purest medicine for the whole planet.” - Jade O

This Program offered by Ashley Seymour is a truly amazing and unforgettable experience. The amount of growth I experienced was remarkable. Before the program, I felt disjointed as if I had a million pieces of who I was, wanted to be, and how I connected to my intuition and to Spirit;

the program helped me put the puzzle together and gave me the tools to embody my authentic self. The program reminded me there are safe spaces to connect with community and feel held. Ashley provide so much of her time for support to aid in the growth/expansion of each individual. I can't express the gratitude I have for Ashley and the program, do yourself a favor and join!” - Stephanie A

After moving through this journey I have come to know that this is who I am and I feel like I’m much more grounded in the trust I have in myself and in God. Theres no way I can fail. I’m really grateful for Ashley’s mentorship and friendship and support and I’m really grateful that she was able to see something in me before I was even able to see for myself.

I’ve reflected over the last year and I’ve looked back at some of my journaling and some of my video journaling and I was so clouded by fear and anxiety and misery and I couldn’t even see or look forward to tomorrow. So I’m grateful Ashley saw a better something for me before I could even see a better vision for myself. This is going to have a ripple effect on the people I end up working with. - Marisol A

“Throughout knowing Ashley and this whole year has had so much to do with discovering what are my tools for accessing the guidance I am looking for. Something huge that I have worked on with Ashley is that I don’t have to have all the answers and I’m not the brains behind the operation, which is actually really comforting. I know I can clear my energy and connect to my own energy and the energy around which has taught me to be present, to show up and be able to have this space for listening. I feel like I have and am cultivating this deeper connection to my inner voice. I’m better at discerning and allowing the water of my intuition to flow forward and the light to flow through me and becoming this channel for Beingness" - Laureal

“From this whole experience, I’ve been feeling really good. I am excited to move forward in my life and to have these sort of allies that feel really important whether they are ascended masters or the allies that are within my different chakras in terms of my relationship with them. I feel really excited to see what I can do moving forward having these resources and having these different connections to my intuition and myself, my spirituality and higher consciousness because I feel like Ashley has given a lot of different highways and avenues to create more in my life and to represent myself truly.”

Registration Process….

  • Complete Application

  • If accepted, you will receive an email with payment details & an option to schedule a free 30-minute call with Ashley if you have any questions

  • After initial payment, you will receive a welcome email with all the important mentorship logistics.

  • Regular Group Mentorship Pricing is $8,888.

  • Receive $1,000 off until April 1st 2025

  • Early Bird Pricing $7,888

Why Work with Me?

  • I have over 9 years of experience guiding and teaching woman to awaken their power and remember their highest purpose through yoga, reiki and mentorships. The practices I use to support one in awakening their true power stem from my deep-rooted belief that the wisdom in within you, just waiting to unlock. Everything I guide you through is to stir this remembrance from within so that you are truly anchored in your sovereignty and power as you evolve into the clarity of your divine mission for this life.

  • I will not sugarcoat the challenges of life. Rather, I guide you into your joy, alignment, sovereignty and purpose through embracing both the light and the dark. My practices empower you to actually harmonize the opposites in order to truly sit at the thrown of you Inner Priestess and power.

  • My process for supporting you is guided by my intuitive connection to Spirit and through the unconditionally loving Sophia-Christ consciousness. I can therefore not only channel wisdom, guidance, insight and clear direction for your life journey but also hold the space for powerful transformation and radical healing.

  • My process for supporting you is also founded upon the years of intimate experience with my own journey of empowerment and sovereignty. I have not only awakened into my own power, innate gifts and purpose for this life but have supported 100s of woman through the same process.

  • I embrace the art of embodied intuitive readings in which I receive transforming guidance and healing that is both felt within the Spiritual Realm but integrated on the physical so that you can learn to emanate the Truth of who you are in this Divine Human Experience. In this way, the teaching, healings and transformational journeys we work on together will feel Spiritually Activating but fully integrated in the now moment which cultivates a deep sense of EMBODIED Power and Sovereignty.

  • I empower YOU to step into your own inner authority as the guide of your life. You will feel empowered to acquire the healing tools, techniques, and strategy to truly step into your divine mission and navigate the darkness and light of life.

  • Working together means accelerating your trust in Self. Facing your limiting beliefs, stories and illusions STRAIGHT ON and telling the truth about them! Your Divine Sovereign Power will be so activated that all that is illusion will crumble. The doubts, fears and limitations cannot withstand in the presence of your Power. It’s always been in your power to choose. It is just time to reclaim your sacred voice and purpose now.

About | Ashley Seymour

Shortly after I began my personal yoga practice in 2013, I knew I wanted to share and hold space for others to unfold in their own personal transformation. Since this first spark of passion, I have been on a beautiful and empowering journey of reclaiming my Divine Gifts, Innate Power, Authentic Self and Priestess Lineage which has led to transforming the lives of many through guiding them into their own journey of empowerment. 

After high school, I enrolled in college and moved to Brooklyn, New York with the intention of receiving my Doctorates in Pharmaceuticals! Thankfully, that path did not work out. I went back home to Massachusetts and enrolled in Worcester State to graduate with a Bachelors in Biology and Minor in Chemistry.  Halfway through college I knew I would not use my degree since I had found a resounding passion in yoga. I still continued on to graduate from college, but knew my path was in the healing arts, just not through science, but through spirituality. 

I have trained with Frog Lotus Yoga School (2015) and School Yoga Institute (2018) to receive my 500 hour yoga teacher training. I have also trained under the Usui Light Reiki System of healing and then with Holy Fire III Reiki. I received my Holy Fire III Reiki Master Training in 2019 and then my Karuna Reiki Master Training in 2020. My studies in both yoga and reiki unlocked my remembrance of my Gifts and how I am meant to utilize those gifts to serve in this lifetime.  

My passion for energy healing expanded after my first trip to Peru in 2018 for my 300 hour yoga teacher training. This was the first time I traveled out of the country (by myself) and landed in the sacred mountains of the Andes immersed in a beautiful community of yogis for 1 powerful month of radical healing and massive transformation. 

I have never been the same. I claimed my vision and dreams, started teaching yoga teacher trainings for School Yoga Institute and went back to Peru, multiple times in that year. Each time, I remembered more of who I am and truly claimed my worth and power.  I discovered a deeper connection to my ancestors, to ceremony, to communication with my Guides and my intuitive abilities. 

In 2020, My offerings have taken a gradual shift from in-person private offerings to transforming online programs. This shift was initiated after my 1st daughter was born and I became less available to travel. I wanted to still offer my services and be able to be home with my daughter as much as possible.  

Birthing all three of my children at home, having wild pregnancies and deep spiritual study and practice has guided me to deeply connect to my womb, the divine feminine mysteries and absolute trust in the Divine. Through awakening my womb power and touching the immense current of divine feminine power alive within me (and all of us), I remembered my ancient priestess lineage. 

I have come to understand that the healing work that channels through my private sessions and mentorships is not just transforming each individual, but it is transforming mother earth and supporting the collective awakening. I am devoted to my own sovereign leadership and divine mission and supporting women to anchor into their own sovereignty, priestess path of service and divine gifts. 

Through deep meditation, intuitive guidance and understanding of my purpose I have lasered in to how I am meant to serve and who I am meant to serve. From this presence of deep knowing, I have since channeled specific mentorships that guide individuals into embracing their Authentic Self, Innate Power, Divine Gifts, Sovereign Leadership and Priestess path of Service. 

It is an absolute honor and joy to serve through my Divine Gifts. I am so humbled by the pleasure I experience through serving from my heart and womb. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessings and Love, Ashley.