Divine Trust

What keeps you going through the ups & downs of life? On some level it seems we accept the suffering that we endure as just a twisted part of life. What if we decided that we are not defined by our suffering any longer? What if we stopped fearing the suffering that we project is coming? What if we aligned with a place that is beyond the state of duality? When we live beyond the confines of duality we live beyond restless fluctuations and can rather abide within the eternal constant of Divine Consciousness. In this state, of Divine Consciousness, the fluctuations of life do not disturb your peace anymore.

Trust, Faith, Grace, Peace, Joy, Bliss, Light and Wisdom are just some of the Divine Qualities that bring us into the remembrance of our Power, Purpose, and Soul Truth.  How do you cultivate and live with the qualities?

We have never lost our Divinity.  We have only forgotten. We decide, each moment, in what consciousness we choose to live by. How are you thoughts keeping you bound to your limited self? How can you shift your thoughts to align rather with your limitless potential?

Do you feel that you have practices in your life that support the remembering of your Divine Nature? If so, what are they?


My Story - How Reiki Found Me