Ashley Seymour a Holy Fire III Reiki Master Healer, Multidimensional Ceremonialist, and channel for Divine Feminine Awakening is offering….

Embody the energetics of Feminine Leadership in your Divine Mission through the Magdalene Mysteries

Your womb is the portal of life and death.

Your womb is the holy grail

Your womb births your reality into existence

Your womb is YOURS

For thousands of years women have been silenced, abused, and manipulated

The Ignorant fear of Feminine Power led to toxic masculine force against the sacred feminine womb portal

The womb is where each woman holds her power, her sovereignty and her center of Self

You can fully reclaim your womb portal & feminine power through remembering that no one and no-thing has power over you.

Are you ready to lead with your Feminine Power and Womb Sovereignty to live in alignment with your Divine Mission?

In this 4-Day Initiation you will….

Rise from victim consciousness to Sovereign Queen through re-writing your story

With the ancient wisdom of your priestess lineage pulsing within, you will remember your power to create your life & lead your Divine Mission

Your Feminine Power does not need to fight with the masculine

Through the Magdalene mysteries you will awaken the radiant union of your masculine and feminine wisdom, and your sovereign womb will emerge.

If you desire to experience your own Innate Power, Authentic Desires and Sovereign Leadership

so that you can create a life that honors your Divine-Mission on earth then this masterclass is for you.

Sovereign Womb

is for women who Desire to…

  1. Live the Way of the Feminine

  2. Step out of the victim and reclaim leadership in her life

  3. Connect more deeply to The Magdalene Mysteries, power of her womb, creative energy, and intuition.

  4. Release any layers of shame around who she is, her expressions in the world and her desires

  5. Find freedom through transforming ancestral and soul wounding around womb abuse & feminine power decimation.

  6. Access her next level of Self-Leadership through living The Way of the Feminine

  7. Feel safe in her body, trust in her intuition and deepen her relationship to the Divine/God/Great Spirit

  8. Feel alive, free and empowered to create her life.

  9. Feel confident, trusting and expanded in her capacity to stand in both the challenges and joys of life

  10. Embrace life instead of shutting down from fear

The Magdalene’s are wisdom keepers of the Divine Feminine Mysteries. They are Alchemists of Sacred Union and Initiates of the Feminine Christ. The Magdalene lineage stems from the seeded birth of Feminine Christ Consciousness, referred to as Mother Sohpia. There are many Magdalene initiates on earth right now and we have been “underground” and in the dark for thousands of years. We are remembering and returning. We are blooming and together we are rising to awaken crystalline consciousness within our own soul and upon earth.

With the Completion of Sovereign Womb

You will…

1. Awaken to an embodied experience of your womb power through unlocking a greater connection to your physical and energetic womb portal.

2. Learn to lead your life with feminine energy through activating profound trust in the Divine and your Higher Self

3. Develop in your ability to discern your highest aligned path so that you can rise into your Divine Mission

4.  Learn how to harmonize your masculine & feminine energies to fine-tune your own creative process so that you not only access your Divine Mission but also a life of harmony, joy, abundance and vitality

5. Deepen into your relationship with your womb through the Magdalene Mysteries.

What women are saying…

“Thank you Ashley Seymour for sharing the sovereign womb portal/initiation series with us. I found it at the most perfect time in my life as I've been realigning myself to be more purpose driven in all that I do and create.

Life sent me through a big spiritual cleanse the days before I found this course, and I believe it allowed me to truly RECEIVE Ashley's potent and powerful message. She speaks so clearly and concisely and makes such ancient and essentially very abstract information feel so relevant, tangible and digestible for me as I am in this moment.

I've worked with Ashley before and know that she is truly IN and living and embodying what it means to be a womb anchored, heart led leader. I'm so grateful for this course and all that I've learned and remembered because of it.”

-Lynell A

“I’ve known Ashley Seymour for years and I’ve felt so blessed to be able to participate in her different offerings over the years. Sovereign Womb, like all of her offerings, came at just the right time for me. I’ve been working on unlocking my womb for a while now and this was just what I needed to move even deeper into the mysteries, magic, power, and potential of my womb. Ashley presented the material over 4 hour long (ish) sessions and even included a Q&A at the end that I found really supportive. This offering has been truly impactful and transformative. Beyond grateful.”

- Erin P

​I have journeyed through many initiations that have guided me to awaken my Sovereign Womb, the Divine Feminine Mysteries and absolute trust in the Divine. Some of my initiation thus far have been birthing my 3 children at home, having wild pregnancies and deep spiritual study & practices.

Through awakening my womb power and touching the immense current of divine feminine power alive within me (and all of us), I remembered my ancient priestess lineage. 

I have come to understand that the healing work that channels through my private sessions and mentorships is not just transforming each individual, but it is transforming mother earth and supporting the collective awakening.

I am devoted to my own sovereign leadership so that I may rise into my Divine Mission and support women to anchor into their own Mission, Sovereignty of Self, and a life of joy.

It is an absolute honor and joy to serve through my Soul-Gifts. I look forward to the magic of this masterclass with you.

Blessings and Love,
