The Sacred Intuitive Mentorship

A 3 Month advanced training and healing journey to clearly access your innate intuitive abilities for personal & professional intuitive readings.

Next Course begins in 2025. Appy for more Details

A Sacred Intuitive is someone who is as a channel to The Divine and shares the transmissions received to serve the highest good of ALL.

Develop both spiritually and professionally to access clear connection with the Divine in order to align with your Divine Mission/Soul Purpose and share your intuitive gifts with others through your creative channels, intuitive readings, and/or spiritual service.

For Professional


Personal Intuitive development

The Collective consciousness is rising. The Sophia-Christ codes of ascension are activating across the earths energy lines and within our own DNA. We are remembering our Divine Blueprint and accessing a greater awareness of our oneness with all of life.

I was guided by the Great Mother Sophia and my Ascended Master guides to re-activate this intuitive mentorship to support souls who feel a desire to strengthen and clarify their own intuitive gifts to support their divine work in this lifetime.

This mentorship is activated with higher Divine Light Templates that are channeled from the Sophia-Christ Consciousness. When you step into this portal of transformation, you will enter a profound shift in your physical, energetic and spiritual bodies in order to access the depth and clarity of your innate intuitive gifts.

Dear One, you are intuitive.

Intuition is woven into the fabric our Divine & Human Nature. It is our direct connection to the Source of Life. Since we are one with that Divine Source, we are innately structured to access our intuition to remember who we are, beyond this human form. This journey will support you in remembering and skillfully accessing your INNATE intuitive abilities.

Your guide…

Hello, I will be your guide for this journey. My name is Ashley Seymour and I am A Holy Fire III Reiki Master Healer, Ceremonialist and conduit of Sophia-Christ consciousness for sacred feminine awakening.

I started receiving intuitive messages in 2017 after my Reiki Level 1 training, but did not begin sharing these messages with my clients until 2018 after my Reiki Level 2 Training. At that time, I did not fully trust what was coming through. I thought that something was "wrong" and proceeded to "turn off" my intuitive channel, until I was shown that I was inhibiting my gifts for my divine purpose. I then started to deeply trust what I was seeing, feeling and hearing, which led to more confidence and, to my surprise, many more messages!

My intuition developed alongside my Holy fire III Reiki Master Training, deep meditation, spiritual studies, 1000’s of hours offering reiki healing sessions/intuitive readings and travels to Peru teaching yoga teacher trainings. Personally, I use my intuition daily to communicate with my guides, listen to my Authentic Self, inform decisions in my business/divine mission and receive guidance in all areas of my life! I offer my intuitive gifts through channeled healing journeys, higher light code activations, rune divination, multidimensional ceremonies, akashic records readings, elemental communication, communication with guides and more.


“I’ve known Ashley for years and I truly believe she is a sincere and gifted healer, ceremonialist, and channel for divine feminine awakening. I felt heard, calm, and at ease during the check in and meditation and was blown away by the messages Ashley received during the reading. Everything she had to say aligned with the ways in which I felt stuck and yearned to grow into my purest, most empowered self. The unique insights and guidance I received during this 30 minute reading continue to benefit me each day, helping me unearth parts of myself and my experience that were previously hidden.” - Erin P

“The Sacred Intuitive Program was a rigorous journey into spiritual connection, life purpose and acceptance of self. It offers a myriad of practices and methodologies for deepening connection with spirit and living an authentic and joyful life. This allowed each person to find what works for them.” -Linda P

“I never expected that I would be able to tap into my own intuition in such an accessible, yet deeply felt way. Through Ashley’s nurturing guidance and support, and alongside a beautiful group of souls, I was able to come to know my intuitive side and realize my innate gifts. I know my intuition will only continue to blossom and integrate into my daily life as a result of this program, and I am forever grateful.” -Jenna L

“Everything that Ashley provides, offers, creates and generates is filled with her whole embodiment of woman : bringing her heart, temple of a body, spirit, mind and soul to the table while she offers every ounce of wisdom she can to support those she works with. The beautiful thing about this program [sacred intuitive] is the variety of participant weaved with the variety of content brought to the table. The journey provides an opportunity to deepen, expand, elevate and widen the self : while also providing the reveal of how to have our own medicine become something that we offer to the World.” -Simcha

Have you ever found yourself asking…

"Was that real?”

“Am I making this up?”

“Is this really an intuitive message or was it just my mind/ego?”

Or do you find yourself…

Wondering how to receive clearer messages?

Yearning to see, hear, feel and know spirit in a more tangible/direct way?

Wanting to start offering intuitive readings to others, but doubt yourself and your abilities?

Divine One, I see you.

It took me close to three years to fully break down the walls of fear around my intuitive abilities and embody my gift as an intuitive. I am here to share with you everything I have learned over the last 6 years of developing my intuition and offering professional intuitive readings, so you can feel confident, grounded and aligned in your own intuitive abilities.

Through this mentorship, you will dissolve any known or unknown blockages that have been preventing your from fully claiming your potential as an intuitive.

Ask Yourself….

  • Do you worry that you may be judged or misunderstood by friends, family and/or community if you access your full power as an intuitive? Or do you fear that you will be an “imposter”?

  • Do you believe that the ability of psychic/intuitive connection is meant for others and not you?

  • Do you worry that you will not connect to pure, loving energies and instead bring in malicious energies?

  • Do you turn away from developing your intuitive connection when you do not “get a response”?

  • Are you worried that your readings, for others, will not be authentic or helpful? That you will just be “making something up” or misguiding someone?

  • Do you have trouble believing in/trusting the intuitive messages & guidance you receive?

  • Do you feel that you are missing out on guidance and wisdom because your intuition isn’t as clear as you know it can be?

I see you and I witness you in all of these worries and fears. But, it is time to change the story.

It is now time…

  • To intuit with clarity, confidence and ease.

  • To TRUST yourself, your intuitive gifts and your relationship with the Divine

  • To release all fears around intuiting

  • To develop your intuitive gifts and offer powerful, transformational, and professional intuitive readings for yourself and others.

  • To activate a clear, pure and defined channel for intuiting

  • To understand HOW you intuit best

With the Completion of The Sacred Intuitive you will…..

  1. Release fears around your power, gifts, and intuitive abilities so that you can step into your power as an Intuitive.

  2. Heal any limiting beliefs and past-life trauma so you can authentically reclaim your intuitive gifts.

  3. Activate a very tangible, loving, all-embracing connection to the Divine(God/Source) in ALL areas of your Life.

  4. Embody a deep sense of safety in your relationship with the Divine/Higher Self/Source

  5. Create your visionary life that is in alignment with your heart and soul.

  6. Align with Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energy in order to authentically develop your intuitive gifts through attuning your body to higher consciousness and therefore receive intuitive wisdom from higher-realms of consciousness.

  7. Navigate your life with Divine Clarity and access guidance, unconditional love and support from within you, at all times.

  8. Develop a fluid and playful relationship with divination methods and intuitive techniques to support in-depth intuitive readings for yourself and others.

  9. Be provided with the tools and foundation for offering professional intuitive readings with confidence, poise, grace and ease.

  10. Access intuitive messages through learning to connect to your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Ascended Master, Gods/Goddesses, Source, your body, Nature, and more! Your intuition will develop in alignment with your true gifs, interests, and passions.

  11. Bring profound healing, teachings and creations to any work that you already offer! You will know how to channel and access your creative power and offer divinely aligned, transformational services that flows from the heart of Life.

The Sacred Intuitive Curriculum

Module 1: Opening Ceremony & Spiritual Activation

This alchemizing opening ceremony cleanses every layer of your being from physical to spiritual to prepare you for this powerful 12-week initiation journey of unlocking your intuitive gifts and accessing greater communion with the Divine.

Module 2: Your Innate Intuitive Abilities

This foundational module will set you up for true success in awakening your potential as an intuitive. You will explore what it means to be intuitive, the best practices to begin accessing your intuition, learn the various ways one can intuit and then step into your power through releasing any fears around your Divine Gifts. The journey starts off with deep healing so that you can release any residual resistance to who you really are and access your full potential.

Module 3: Making the Connection

In this module we dive into a discussion on the various dimensions of reality to further understand where you are psychically tuning into when you are intuiting and how you can direct your energy to access different dimensions and beings to receive specific information, guidance, and insight. The journey in this module will prepare you to confidently know how to receive embodied intuitive messages and from whom/what you are receiving them from.

Module 4: Live Channeling and Q & A

During this module you will experience a live group channeling to receive intuitive guidance. We will also review questions from the course, clear any blockages or expand upon topics.

Module 5: Trusting Your Inner Voice

This exciting and powerful module awakens a deep trust in yourself as you intuit so you let go of the perpetuating doubt that has prevented you from stepping fully into your gifts. We will also explore and study best practices to stay grounded, protected and aligned as you intuit and expand.

Module 6: Strengthen Your Intuitive Channel

This module will activate you into your power as an intuitive through understanding your intuitive gifts! You will learn to uncover and develop each of the clairs for clear, concise and tangible intuitive information that can be accessed for guidance, support and a deep sense of connection with the Divine.

Module 7: Connect with your Guides

During this module you will learn how to connect more deeply with your guides, through self-guided journeys, ceremony, prayer and meditation. You will be supported to communicate with you guides to help you with any problem you are facing. They will also help you to reveal more about who you truly are and your divine mission for this life.

Module 8: Live Channeling & Q & A

During this module you will experience a live group channeling to receive intuitive guidance. We will also review questions from the course, clear any blockages or expand upon topics.

Module 9: Translation

Learn how to translate your intuitive information to serve the highest good of all! This module offers many techniques and teachings on how to professionally, accurately and enjoyably intuit so that the information that is downloaded is embodied, accessible and understandable.

Module 10: Oracular Arts

An oracle is one who is a pillar between worlds. Therefore, you will anchor in your consciousness to both Mother Earth and the Divine in order to be a clear conduit. During this module you will embody what it means to be a divine channel for highest aligned service for the collective good of all. You will develop your relationship with the Divine and attune yourself to devotional service.

Module 11: Sharing Your Gifts

Learn how your intuition can be woven into your Divine Purpose, whether that is offering professional intuitive readings or NOT. Your intuitive channel is your creative channel and your direct access to the Divine. Your intuitive gifts will connect you, even deeper, to that that which lights your soul on fire!

Module 12: Intuitive Practicum & Closing Ceremony

During this module you will prepare and offer an intuitive session to another student in the program! The beauty of this session is that your intuitive gifts are unique to who you are and so you are supported to align with your most authentic self as you create and offer your intuitive session. We will also end with a powerful closing ceremony & Q&A to seal in all the healing, spiritual activations and remembrance of Divine Truths so that you can walk forward from this program aligned in your Power and Gifts as a Sacred Intuitive.

“I feel that I finally have both feet on the ground and a solid path forward to walk, and that is because of the way she awakens that little piece of God within everyone she works with. For the first time in possibly ever, I’m not afraid to claim who I am and what I want, and embrace the way I can radiate that out to others”

Liz C


Pdf Guides

8 downloadable PDF guides, rich, with content for spiritual study and intuitive development techniques.


20+ Guided Journeys for Healing, Spiritual Alignment and Initiatory Activations.

Visionary Oracular Message

A personalized spiritually guided message about your Divine Mission Channeled by Ashley

1:1 Support

30 minutes of private support each week via text or voice message in telegram or whatsapp

How it works:

  • 12 X 90 min Live Weekly Group Sessions. We meet 1x a week for 12 weeks starting near the Summer Solstice 2025

  • BONUS 90 minute session guided by Intuitive Stephanie Adeskavitz

  • All LIVE sessions are recorded and can be accessed within 24 hours of the session.

  • Lifetime Access to Online Program and Course Content with downloadable lecture guides, weekly application practices and healing videos.

  • Connection with a community of intuitive healers & practice with other students to embody the intuitive techniques and teachings

  • One module will be covered each week. Throughout the week you will experience a 90 minute live session, 2-3 guided healing/spiritually activating audios, embodiment practices, and additional downloadable PDF Guides.


I am still in awe of all of the growth, expansion and evolution that took place within me in only 10 weeks through the Sacred Intuitive program. I came into the course fully open, but I still held onto the belief that intuition was a mystical experience reserved for others; I never expected that I would be able to tap into my own intuition in such an accessible, yet deeply felt way. Through Ashley’s nurturing guidance and support, and alongside a beautiful group of souls, I was able to come to know my intuitive side and realize my innate gifts. I know my intuition will only continue to blossom and integrate into my daily life as a result of this program, and I am forever grateful.”


The Sacred Intuitive Program was a rigorous journey into spiritual connection, life purpose and acceptance of self. It offers a myriad of practices and methodologies for deepening connection with spirit and living an authentic and joyful life. This allowed each person to find what works for them.”


Everything that Ashley provides, offers, creates and generates is filled with her whole embodiment of woman : bringing her heart, temple of a body, spirit, mind and soul to the table while she offers every ounce of wisdom she can to support those she works with. The beautiful thing about this program [the sacred intuitive] is the variety of participant weaved with the variety of content brought to the table. The journey provides an opportunity to deepen, expand, elevate and widen the self : while also providing the reveal of how to have our own medicine become something that we offer to the World.”


I’ve known Ashley for years and I truly believe she is a sincere and gifted healer, ceremonialist, and channel for divine feminine awakening. When I sat down with her for a 30 minute intuitive reading, I didn’t know what to expect since I hadn’t had one before. Ashley listened deeply while we checked in and then proceeded to bring me into a meditative state as she performed the reading. I felt heard, calm, and at ease during the check in and meditation and was blown away by the messages Ashley received during the reading. Everything she had to say aligned with the ways in which I felt stuck and yearned to grow into my purest, most empowered self. I was able to shed light on and understand my lived experience in a new way and envision a freer, more authentic way of being for myself grounded in self-reflection and daily life. The unique insights and guidance I received during this 30 minute reading continue to benefit me each day, helping me unearth parts of myself and my experience that were previously hidden.”


“If you are like me….seeking for ways to connect with our beautiful spirit world with more clarity, certainty and reverence, this is the course for YOU! If you are willing to work on getting out of your own way, healing from the inside out, opening your heart in preparation to be a healthy channel for receiving wisdom for self and others, THIS is the course for YOU! If you have yet to meet your HIGHER SELF, put your best dress in, because SHE IS AMAZING!”

If you love to be lead by a beautiful, kind, wicked sma’t (as we say in Maine), confident HIGH VIBRATION woman who models vulnerability, humility and excellent learning attitude, Ashley is for YOU! If you read your invitation to the Sacred Intuitive and like me CAN NOT IGNORE the calling, tie your shoes, strap down your cap and get ready for the ride of a life time. Ashley’s dedication to her life’s purpose and service to others is profound and your emotional, mental and financial commitment will be worth every laughter, tear, discomfort, excitement, blown mind and penny. YOU WILL NOT BE THE SAME WOMAN YOU WERE when you started and WHO you ARE will be celebrated by your guides and helpers who wait every day for an invitation to support. They will be having a party! Rise above the mundane, peal back the layers and LIVE beautiful sisters! LIVE! Your body, mind and soul will THRIVE! Much love and blessings along your journeys! Aho!”

-Shalimar Chassé

This program has changed my life and set me up for a smoother journey! From the Cord Cutting/Spirit attachment sessions I felt so much stagnant energy and unwanted attachments disappear. To getting in contact with my passed loved ones, ancestors and other spirit guides. It has opened up a new layer of diving into my intuition in so many ways. The whole program was set up incredibly and the weekly calls were heart touching with the other women. I can't thank Ashley enough for all the love and knowledge she has gifted us!


To say that I love Ashley as a mentor and her programs is an understatement. She doesn't teach a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, she encourages you to explore and embrace the way your intuitive gifts come through as well as learn from the rest of the group. If you are looking for a program where you learn concepts and also have the opportunity to practice, this is the program for you! Ashley truly supports you in coming back to your power through strengthening your intuitive gifts.


This program came to me in the most divine timing. I had just finally made a connection with my intuition (one that I felt more aware of and felt more of a physical connection to) and I had this pull in me wanting to learn more on developing my relationship with it. Now, after completing this program I feel as though I’ve taken a strong step towards the direction I wish to go towards and I feel more guided on how to do so. I’ve learned so much about myself, about what I want to do with my gifts, and how I want to show up on this Earth. I’m so grateful for this experience and for Ashley leading us and teaching us through it all.


My Commitment to you….

I am here to learn alongside you. My journey as an intuitive is just as unique as yours. How you are meant to serve as a vessel of Source is up for you to discover. My intention for this program is to support you in fine-tuning your own unique and innate gifts so that you intuit in a way that is truly authentic to you and serves the greater good of all. Intuiting takes practice and persistence just like strengthening any other skill, but there will come a moment when it “clicks” for you and you understand you own inner communion. Through this program I intend to support you in finding that “aha” moment so that you truly find your joy, ease and authenticity in your intuitive readings. Therefore, since there is no “one way,” I will be sharing as much as I can offer, from many different perspectives so that you can uncover your gifts. Thank you for trusting in me.

The Process to begin this journey!

  1. Fill out application

  2. If accepted, you will receive an email from Ashley with the option to schedule a free call to go over any questions and payment links if you are ready to sign up.

  3. Mentorship Pricing $3,333

  4. Early Bird Discount available until May 31st, 2025 ($1,111 off)

  5. Early Bird Pricing $2,222