Ashley Seymour a Holy Fire III Reiki Master Healer, Multidimensional Ceremonialist, and channel for Divine Feminine Awakening is offering….
In this 2-part immersive training, space will be held for you to reclaim the Holy Sophia-Christ Priestess codex within your soul and body so as to allow for the ancient wisdom of your priestess lineage to unveil and guide you into a deeper understanding of your soul purpose for this life.
Divine Woman,
You are awakening, from within, the remembrance of your Ancient Priestess Lineage.
This is NOT for everyone! The potent wisdom in this course WILL unlock a divine remembrance of ancient wisdom within your soul. Your life will change to be in greater alignment with your Divine Mission through cultivating Divine Feminine Presence in your life and remembering you ancient past.
SO, if you are here it is because…….
You feel a soul resonance with the reclamation of your priestess lineage.
The wisdom of your past spiritual studies and initiations are alive within the DNA of your body and the blueprint of your soul and you are ready to awaken them.
Now is the time for the Divine Feminine to resurrect from the darkness and birth a new reality upon the earth and YOU are a part of this divine mission and is why you chose to reincarnate on the earth at this pivotal time on earth.
You can no longer be complacent to your fire, your gifts and your mission.
Resurrecting the divine feminine upon earth means resurrecting the priestess wisdom within you and connecting the sacred light of Sophia-Christ Consciousness with other light workers across the earth and creating a field of Divine Love.
Dear sister, If you are ready
to remember your true ancient Priestess lineage
and reclaim your Sovereignty, Service to the Divine and alignment with the Divine Feminine Mysteries
then I welcome you to this powerful training.
The Experience:
Fully Recorded
Lifetime access to the recording
Training Details Below
Veil 1: Temple Codex
We will begin with an opening ceremony to enter the sacred portal together and then move through a discussion on resurrecting the sacred temple codex, within the body and upon earth. The sacred temple of your body and earth holds the container for the holy work of priestesses, oracles and healers of today. We will complete this first unveiling with a deep healing to activate this holy temple within your soul, body and the earth. With the completion of this discussion and healing, the veil of disconnection to your temple will be lifted and the archetypal and physical holy temple within and without will be revealed.
Veil 2: Priestess Codex
In this initiation you will remember the ancient codes of your priestess lineage. We will first move through a discussion on priestess and oracular lineages in ancient history. We will then discuss the re-awakening of the divine feminine on earth right now and the return of the Sophia-Christ consciousness and how you are a part of this awakening. Lastly, we will end with a healing experience to heal any wounding, trauma or suffering that was experienced so that you can remember the ancient wisdom of your power, sovereignty, voice and gifts as a priestess and reclaim who you really are. With the completion of this discussion and healing, the veil around you priestess path of service will be removed and you will come to understand more about your divine purpose as a priestess on earth.
Step into the Temple & Priestess Initiation:
Immediate & lifetime access
My lifes work, beyond being a mother to my three children and wife to my beloved husband, is to support women in reclaiming their sovereignty, priestess lineage and divine gifts so that they can remember their divine mission and fully step into their priestess path of service with confidence, trust, inner-authority and joy.
Many women, on earth today, have stored the ancient codes of the divine feminine mysteries within their soul. As keepers of this divine wisdom, the codes of these mysteries begin to unlock as the consciousness of the planet evolves.
We are now at a time where the divine feminine consciousness is rising and the divine masculine is healing so that the toxic matrix of disempowerment, enslavement and spiritual amnesia can break away.
We are lightworkers, visionaries, wayshowers, oracles, priestesess, healers and medicine wombyn who are creating the new earth.
And now is the time for the divine feminine mysteries to awaken within the temple of our sacred body through unlocking our own power and becoming a clear channel for the Sophia-Christ light to activate the earth into a new consciousness.
This 1-day training is an invitation to REMEMBER the divine feminine wisdom codes within you, so that you can become empowered to unlock and access that wisdom and step into higher alignment with your divine mission.
All my love,